Growing Strawberries in Container – Day 1

Last week, Teacher Wong, Gui, and I set up the greenhouse and planted over200 strawberry plants in containers.

Growing Strawberries in Containers Growing Strawberries in Containers

In order to reuse the soil that was used for yellow-skin watermelons and cantaloupes in the greenhouse, Teacher Wong has adjusted the soil pH level, mixed in additional organic fertilizer, while leaving the soil heated under the sun in the greenhouse for several weeks.

Growing Strawberries in Containers Growing Strawberries in Containers

These are the strawberry plants that we have planted in our greenhouse.  I potted these strawberry plants around a month ago.

Continue reading Growing Strawberries in Container – Day 1

Yellow Skin Watermelon

Last week, I had finally tasted the yellow skin watermelons that were growing in the greenhouse like hanging lanterns for the first time.


The flesh and seeds of the watermelon looked just like a regular one, only that it tasted so sweet.  Indeed, Teacher Wong told me that this is an award-winning watermelon developed by a breeder/producer in Taiwan. Continue reading Yellow Skin Watermelon

The Mysterious Melons

Hanging Melons in Greenhouse Hanging Melons in Greenhouse

After weeks of anticipation, the 梨瓜 (lee gwar, literally means “pear melon”) in the greenhouse have finally ripened, and I’ve finally got the chance to find out what these mysterious melons actually are.

So these are not chayote, as I have guessed.  In fact, I have never seen this fruit before.  It is like a fuji-apple-size honeydew melon.  The fruit has a smooth greenish-white peel, pale green flesh, with seeds in the center.  It actually tastes a bit like honeydew melon, only that it is not as sweet, yet much crunchier. Continue reading The Mysterious Melons

Hanging Melons Updates

Hanging Melons in GreenhouseThe yellow skin watermelons are getting bigger and bigger, hanging in the greenhouse like lanterns.

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Hanging Melons

Hanging Melons in GreenhouseThe yellow skin watermelons in the greenhouse of the bonsai workshop are growing fast and nicely.  These watermelons start out green and change to their golden color as they ripen.

Hanging Melons in Greenhouse Hanging Melons in Greenhouse

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