By Sandy, on August 31st, 2010
 My Sweetheart Hoya (left) taken in November 2009 (right) taken in August (2010)
This is my Hoya Kerrii. It used to be a pretty baby before but somehow since last month its heart-shaped leaves started to wrinkle up, and after a week or two, the leaves began to fall apart 🙁
At first . . . → Read More: Hoya Kerrii – My Hearts are Falling Apart!
By Sandy, on November 30th, 2009

As said in an earlier post, my Hoya Kerrii had grown a new leaf. But unlike the other leaves of my Hoya Kerrii, this one was all in green. While I was wondering if the edge of the leaf would somehow turn yellow as the leaf grew bigger, I read an excellent post about Hoya Kerrii in Plants are the Strangest People (thank you Stephanie 😀 ).
In the post, Mr Subjunctive, the author, suggests to remove all the stems with all-green leaves. He explains that because a stem with all-green leaves has an advantage over a variegated one, with enough time, the all-green leaves will eventually take over the whole pot ! Continue reading Hoya Kerrii – Should I or Should I Not?
By Sandy, on November 16th, 2009

I bought this Hoya Kerrii (aka Sweetheart Plant) a few months ago in the summer. Although I know that Hoya Kerrii is a slow-growing plant like most other succulents, I observe it closely every once a while, and hope that I will find something new, something different and exciting on this Sweetheart Hoya.
And last month, I finally got to see some “action” – my Hoya Kerrii has grown another heart-shaped leaf! Unlike the other leaves of my Hoya Kerrii, this one is all in green. Now I wonder if the edge of the leaf will somehow turn yellow as the leaf grows bigger. Continue reading My Hoya Kerrii Has Grown Another Heart
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