Here is a list of the most common houseplants that are suitable for indoor gardening. The houseplants in this list are mostly easy-to-grow, low maintenance, hardy plants that fit the busy lifestyle of us, the city gardeners.
The Exceptions – Houseplants That Need Full, Direct Sunlight
Besides the following plants, which need to grow in direct sunlight – full light, the houseplants in my list require low to moderate daylight, indirect sunlight, or diffused light.
- Codiaeum (Croton)
- Coleus
- Pelargonium (Geranium)
- Setcreasea purpurea (Purple heart)
Suggested Way of Using This Houseplant List
And as you notice, I have only put the scientific name, common name, and a photo of each houseplant in the list. There are so much information on houseplants available online. Hence, I don’t think my extra words will make much difference. However, I believe that you will find this list helpful, for I haven’t seen many extensive lists of houseplant with photos.
So, I would suggest you to first check out this list and find the houseplants that you are interested in. Then, do a google search to learn more about the water needs, light requirements, care methods and such of the plants.
Cheers and have fun!
Aglaonema (Chinese evergreen)
Anthurium (Tailflower, Flamingo-Flower)
Aphelandra (Zebra plant)
Araucaria (Norfolk island pine)
Aspidistra (Cast iron plant)
The Bromeliads are a large family of plants, and one of the hardiest kind of house plants. I have two Tillandsias (a.k.a. air plants) and have made the simple yet elegant tabletop garden – I Love Air Plants.
Calathea (Peacock plant)
Ceropegia woodii (Rosary vine)
Chlorophytum (Spider plant)
Cissus antarctica (Kangaroo vine)
Codiaeum (Croton)
Dieffenbachia (Dumb-cane)
Dracaena (Dragon plants)
Fatsia japonica (Japanese aralia)
Fittonia (Nerve Plant)
I like Fittonia. I have had my Fittonia planted in hydroculture, as well as used it as one of my “ingredients” for my tabletop garden – Bento Box.
Helxine (Baby’s tears)
Hoya (Wax plant)
Impatiens (Patient Lucy, Busy-Lizzie, touch-me-not)
Maranta (Prayer plant)
Monstera (Swiss cheese plant)
Note: Monstera is often confused with the split-leaved philodendron, and is sometimes sold under the name Philodendron pertusum.
Pelargonium (Geranium)
Saintpaulia (African violet)
Sansevieria (Snake plant)
Schefflera (Umbrella tree)
Scindapus (Devil’s ivy, Pothos)
Setcreasea purpurea (Purple heart)
Nephthytis (Arrowhead vine)
Tradescantia and Zebrina (Wandering Jew)
How disappointing, I too live in squalor and cannot afford to live in a house, so I do not have a backyard. Yet I have one love in my life, not video games, not hunting, but gardening. More specifically I love to grow PINEAPPLES. Nothing gives me more joy, yet. Without a backyard, I cannot grow any pineapples, then someone pointed me to your website, and here you do not list pineapples. A great amount of sadness has entered my heart.
Hi Wilson,
Don’t be disappointed. Pineapple is actually on my list, only that it is not in the name of “pineapple” but “bromeliads”. And without a backyard, you can still grow pineapples indoor. Like most other bromeliads, pineapple needs lots of light. If you don’t have a sunny window space, don’t worry, you can still grow pineapples using one of those artificial lights
I would love to hear your progress in growing pineapples indoor! Cheers!
awww strawberry is not on there :<
i guess my baby strawberry plant is doomed to die…i cannot plant it outdoors because i live in the dessert and only have sand in my yard
Hi Kiwi,
Strawberry needs lots of sunlight, in fact, full sun is the best. In your case, maybe you can plant your strawberry in a container and put it outdoor. It will be very happy
Hi Kiwi,
I’ve come across this post in Fern’s Life on the Balcony, and think you may find the links it provides helpful. Besides the link to the growing information of strawberries, there are links of other fruits and veggies as well. You may find something more suitable if you want to grow your plants indoor.
well theres no shortage of sunlight here (i live in Las Vegas) it is VERY sunny year round. but it is usually around 115 degrees fahrenheit outside, low humidity but sometimes with very harsh wind. would that turn my strawberries into dust?
Strawberries have a reputation for liking mild temperatures. Yet, there are varieties that thrive in freezing Alaska to the hottest parts of Florida. Not as fortunate as you do, where I am living now doesn’t have what strawberries need to thrive. I don’t have a yard and my North-facing balcony has no direct sun, but only partial shade. Without real experience in growing strawberries myself, I am sorry, but I can’t give you further information than what I have now. But anyways, good luck with your baby strawberries and I would love to hear from you on your progress
Hi i live in London UK. Can you tell me what plants that we have here that will thrive in crystal soil. These are the most common ones here.thanks in advance
spotted laurel
hehe variegated
golden privet
Lemon scented
choisya sundance
japanese euonymus
star jasmine
painted lady
evergreen clematis
rose of sharon
pyracantha orange glow
ivy hedera gold child
virginia creeper
chinese holly
hi Andrew,
I do not live in UK, so I don’t know many of these plants. Yet, in general, foliage plants that like shade and humidity are the most suitable to grow in crystal soil. The best way to find out is to experiment them by yourself
I live in Missouri and I am looking for a plant/gift for my boyfriend. He has been wanting some indoor plants and I was wondering what the best indoor plant or plants that do not need much sunlight and will look nice.
Hi Lex,
All plants here are suitable to be grown indoor, and most of these grows well in the shade. For examples, Nepthytis (Arrowhead vine), Dracaena sanderiana (Lucky Bamboo), Aglaonema (Chinese evergreen), Fittonia (Nerve Plant), and ferns.
hi i am the student of horticulture and i want the list of house plants
Hi Amir, please feel free to use this list of house plants.
i am a student .please give me list of house plants
Hi Vishnu,
Please feel free to use the list in this post. They are all excellent house plants.
i am a student, please give me list of garden plants.
My Schefflera has not generated new leaves in over six months, what might I be doing wrong? Cheers
Hi Rotich,
Have you been feeding your Schefflera regularly? If not, try to use a fertilizer high in Nitrogen (you will find 3 numbers on most fertilizer packaging, which stand for NPK- Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium – choose the one with a higher first number).
hi sandy,
i was wondering which types of indoor creeping vines would be good for a vaulted ceiling in manitoba’interlake area’ not that it would mater because it will be in a controled enviroment but what types would be avalible ?
Hi Regg, I have never been to Manitoba, hence, really have no idea of the types of creeping vines available in that local area. I would guess you to visit the local nurseries and ask for suggestions. They are the ones who know exactly of what are locally available.
Hi sandy,
How r u doing ???? I have this terrible obsession for gardening.can u suggest me names of some indoor plants,the one that gives flowers of violet colour….in the weather is humid and sultry.
It’s a great job you’re doing over here and I must commend your efforts. Anyway, I love most of the list of your plants here.
I have the following plants and I need more tips from you:
– Dieffenbachia & Fittonia are growing well
– Pothos is fine when it doesnt receive strong lights
– Palm always looks unhealthy and the color is no bright.. can you give me care tips for them
What about Gerbera daisies???
i am trying to submit , i love this site.
I have Araucaria plant and I need some tips from you. I don’t know how to water it. How often should I water it?
Hi Amanji,
Water your Araucaria plant when the soil is dry. Instead of checking the soil on the surface, try to dig your figure a few centimeters down. If the soil feels dry to the touch, then water your plant thoroughly until water drips from the drainage holes.
this is very nice information. nut i live in India and I want to know that among all above which plants can be grown in India?
Hi, I have a plant that I bought recently, and I don’t know what kind is it, and I really wan’t to take good care of it, is there anyway I could show you a picture ? Pleas and thank you.
Hi sandy your indoor plant list is awesome i live in Pakistan.I am a horticulture student and i get much benefit from your list i have also my own lists about shrubs,ground covers,Trees i had not the indoor plant list but now i have this…Really thanks May you live long and happy life
Hi! I bought a tiny Philodendron that had about four little leaves on it. Now it has grown to about six times that size. My problem, though not a big one, is that this Philodendron is NOT a climber but stands up straight as it can. I read somewhere there are two types: standing & climbing. What should I do since my stand up has so many new leaves on stems, it’s starting to droop. What can and should I do to help it stand upright? It’s in a flower pot with a dracaena that appears to have perked up when I planted the philodendron so I’m not really ready to repot either one yet.
Thanks Sandy for putting together this comprehensive list of indoor plants. I’ll keep this page handy while I write about different plant species.
Sandy-I live on Vancouver Island, semi gentle Cdn winter. I know lots of Sr’s who would LOVE to be able to grow species of veggies, or herbs or traditional flowers inside (in their apartments, homes etc. Most DO NOT have access to traditional garden type space so growing would be done on their balcony, window sills etc.. Any sunlight deficiency would be made up by alternate light/heat sources. Any recommendations.
Thank U Sandy ur info is very useful to me….Give me the list of some mosquito repallent plants.
I am Alex Isac, I love indoor plants very much…i need to know more details about the beneficial effects of these list of plants (apart from purifying indoor air quality)…Thanks in Advance!!
Hi I love indoor plants I live in new Delhi please let me know what plants I can grow thanks in advance
Please reply
Hi sandy, i must congratulate you 4 the info n advice we are recieving from you.however what about other araucaria species?
Hi sandy, i must congratulate you 4 the info n advice we are recieving from you.however what about other araucaria species?
Hi i required the details of indoor plant which does not require sunlight for my ofice lobby and can easily available in India.Kindly suggest the names with picture
Dear Sandy,
I live in a condominium and direct sunlight is not a possibility since my unit is the middle of the building. I would like to take care of some indoor plant and would like to know if LED lights would be a good substitute to support the needs of the plant?
I love vines, can you recommend some that are indoor and aggressive!
Hi i required the details of indoor plant which does not require sunlight for my ofice lobby and can easily available in India.Kindly suggest the names with picture and how much urea put a normal size pot for plants.
Hi sandy your indoor plant list is awesome.I get much benefit from your list i have also my own lists about shrubs,ground covers,Trees i had not the indoor plant list but now i have this…Really thanks May you live long and happy life.
Boy there are people who really ask some silly questions lol, they think your hoodini. Anyways all those plants on the list can be grown in crystal beads in the house away from direct sunlight right?
Thanks Karen.
O jeeze I just realized this post was from 2012 sorry to bother you.
Hi Sandy,
Thank you for the above details of Indoor or House plant.Could you please send more indoor plants?
Prabhakar DH